New Homes Bonus will be worth at least £26 million this year
The Empty Homes Review Service uses a combination of mailing, calling and visits to deliver a fully managed service that maximises the New Homes Bonus for councils.
In 2023 we reduced council long term empty properties by an average of 27% resulting in additional New Homes Bonus averaging more than £565,000 per authority.
Liberata does the ‘heavy lifting’ allowing your teams to focus on the delivery of vital services whilst ensuring the maximum New Homes Bonus is generated.
The Empty Homes Review Service is past of Liberata’s Income Maximisation solutions which additionally includes Single Person Discount and Business Rates (RV Finder) Reviews and Debt Recovery solutions
For further information or to discuss the service in more detail

A fully managed, end-to-end service: Liberata handles all mailings, inbound / outbound calls and site visits (and can even provide system updates where appropriate)

Zero commercial risk but guaranteed Outcomes. We only change a fee where we are successful and there are no set-up fees whatsoever.

Online response portal for residents or mediated support from our agents.

Every single long-term empty property is reviewed and included site inspections which can include evenings and weekends to maximise results.

Minimal involvement from clients during the review but staff can track progress and download all evidence from Liberata’s ServiceCloud Portal.

Class F review and Second Homes review options.
Try our Empty Homes Review Calculator!