Gender Pay Gap Report

Liberata Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Pay and bonus pay gap

A comparison of the mean and median hourly gender pay gap as at 5th April 2023 and the mean and median bonus gap in respect of bonuses paid in the 12 months to the 5th April 2023 for Liberata UK Limited is shown below. 

Pay Gap

Mean Pay Gap
Median Pay Gap

Bonus Pay Gap

Mean Bonus Gap
Median Bonus Gap

Proportion of male and female employees who received bonus pay


Proportion of male and female employees according to quartile pay bands

Hourly Pay QuartilesFemaleMale
Lower Quartile70.6%29.4%
Lower Middle Quartile67.9%32.1%
Upper Middle Quartile66.6%33.4%
Upper Quartile54.5%45.5%

Liberata gender make up


As we unveil Liberata UK Limited’s gender pay gap data for the year ending 5th April 2023 we reaffirm our dedication to transparency and equality within our organisation.  Liberata is steadfast in its commitment to fostering a workplace culture rooted in equality of opportunity; we hold diversity and inclusion in high regard, recognising it as a cornerstone of our success. By championing the diverse backgrounds, abilities, genders, and orientations of our workforce, we harness a wealth of talent and experience. Embracing this diversity of thought not only inspires individual innovation but also enhances our ability to meet the needs of our employees. At Liberata, we strive to cultivate an environment where every individual feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential. Our ultimate goal is to be recognised as an employer of choice, dedicated to promoting excellence in all facets of our operations.

Our mean gender pay gap has seen a modest decrease to 20.0%, while the median pay gap remains relatively stable at 7.5%. These figures reflect ongoing efforts to address gender disparities in pay, although there is still progress to be made.  The variance can be attributed to the greater presence of males in senior roles, a significant factor contributing to the gender pay gap, despite females comprising 64.9% of the workforce compared to males at 35.1%.  We recognise the gradual pace of change in these demographics, historically shaped by a higher proportion of female employees opting for part-time work.  Liberata takes pride in accommodating employee preferences and supporting their choices.  In order to enable a wider diversity of applicants for all positions, Liberata continues to promote inclusive working practices; we whole heartedly endorse flexible working and actively advocate for opportunities in home and hybrid working, as outlined in our policies.  This approach not only bolsters employee well-being initiatives, but also fosters a healthy work-life balance.  A significant number of our roles now operate under hybrid or homeworking arrangements, reflecting our commitment to accommodating diverse and inclusive working preferences.  As a direct consequence of home and hybrid working arrangements, proximity to a business centre is no longer a limiting factor.  We anticipate that this flexibility will yield benefits to both men and women alike.  Specifically, we are optimistic that this shift will create opportunities for women to apply for and attain senior positions within the organisation.  By facilitating greater access to senior roles for women, our aim is that this will contribute to a reduction in the gender pay gap.     

We maintain unwavering confidence that pay equity is upheld across our organisation, ensuring that individuals in equivalent roles receive equal compensation. The Equal Pay Act of 1979 prohibits differential pay based on gender for comparable work, a principle we strictly adhere to. It is important to note the distinction between “gender pay” and “equal pay”: whilst gender pay compares average earnings between male and female employees regardless of job roles, equal pay focuses on individual remuneration for similar or identical work. At Liberata, we are committed to eradicating any form of discrimination in our pay structures and consistently evaluate the majority of our operational roles through our job evaluation scheme to ensure fair compensation for all. Through constructive dialogue with our recognised trade union, UNISON, we have agreed and implemented pay increases for all employees engaged on Liberata terms and conditions, extending this benefit to employees not traditionally covered by Local Authority (NJC) pay bargaining arrangements. For those employees subject to NJC pay scales, Liberata continues to honour pay awards in accordance with NJC pay scales. 

In the realm of bonuses, although strides have been taken, there persists a gap with a mean bonus gap of 28.2% and a median bonus gap of 46.7%. It should again be noted that bonus payments are non-guaranteed, being paid only if specific performance criteria are met.  We recognise the imperative of further initiatives to ensure equitable distribution of bonuses among employees.  Notably, both male and female participation in bonus schemes has decreased, with 10.5% of males and 5.1% of females receiving bonuses; this underscores the need for targeted measures to promote equal access to bonus opportunities across genders.

Our gender distribution across quartile pay bands mirrors previous years’ trends, with a predominance of males in senior positions shaping overall gender pay distribution. We remain committed to fostering an inclusive environment where all employees have equal opportunities for advancement.  In early 2023, we took proactive steps towards this goal by launching a pilot mentoring scheme aimed at fostering employee development. This initiative provides valuable growth opportunities for a select number of employees, a significant proportion of whom are female.  Mentoring schemes play a pivotal role in nurturing talent, fostering leadership skills, and facilitating professional growth. By providing guidance, support, and access to networks, such programmes empower individuals to realise their full potential and advance within the organisation. We firmly believe that investing in employee development not only enhances individual career trajectories but also contributes to the broader goal of addressing gender pay inequalities.  Through initiatives like our mentoring scheme, we aim to create a pipeline of qualified and empowered individuals, including women, who are equipped to take on more senior roles within the company. By actively promoting the advancement of talented individuals from diverse backgrounds, we aspire to narrow the gender pay gap and foster a culture of inclusivity and opportunity at all levels of Liberata.

As stated in previous reports, a percentage of our workforce has TUPE transferred from various public and private sector employers. We are unwavering in our commitment to safeguarding their rights in accordance with the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations, ensuring a fair and just workplace for all. 

In conclusion, while strides have been made, our journey towards closing the gender pay gap continues. Liberata remains steadfast in its pursuit of equality and inclusivity for all employees.

I confirm that the gender pay gap data included in this report is accurate and has been prepared in accordance with statutory regulations. 

Charlie Bruin
Chief Executive Officer
Liberata UK Ltd

Any questions? Need more information?

As a Council we are focused on ensuring that the services delivered are both sustainable and of the highest quality. We are delighted to be working with Liberata to help deliver these services on behalf of our residents and businesses. Liberata stood out with its ability to drive transformational change and improve customer access and digital services.
Richard Baker
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council
Borough of Broxbourne
Liberata is the ideal delivery partner to help us achieve our aims, whilst ensuring we can drive down processing times and improve the service for our customers. Council tax and business rates collection will improve, ensuring that we have the funds to deliver the vital services that have a positive impact on residents’ lives. We look forward to working closely in partnership with Liberata to help achieve our aims
Rebecca Keene
Broxbourne Borough Council
Eastleigh Borough Council
Eastleigh Borough Council has worked with Liberata for a number of years who undertake the council's empty home reviews, and I must say, their service exceeded all expectations. From start to finish, they demonstrated professionalism, efficiency, and a genuine commitment to addressing this critical issue in our community. Thanks to Liberata, the council has been able to maximise our empty home bonus year on year. This positive impact on our community cannot be overstated.
Kerrie Thomas
Eastleigh Borough Council
Leicester City Council
The RV Finder service from Liberata has really helped us ensure that our data is as accurate as possible and, when the VOA has processed the outstanding cases, I fully expect to see more than £1,000,000 of additional RV. The “risk and reward” model works well and the Council only has to pay for their success and the service is something that we will use on a regular basis.
Steve King
Leicester City Council
Liberata has been empowered to create a seamless integration with technology to digitally transform the Revenues and Benefits service whilst trying to protect local jobs. The joint strategy has helped to deliver innovative solutions that have exceeded expectations, whilst providing savings to the authority. This surge in digital engagement has helped deliver strong year one outturn with electronic billing and the technology will enable us to show improvements in the benefits speed of processing and in Council Tax processing of moves, discounts and exemptions.
Andy Stevens
Swindon Borough Council