Here are just some of the clients Liberata has worked with

Following a formal process and tender notice, Liberata stood out with its ability to transform our services and improve customer access and digital services. Liberata has demonstrated it can achieve high collection rates across business rates and council tax services and benefits by improving processing times. We look forward to working with Liberata to help transform these services for our residents and ensuring we are providing the appropriate levels of support to the most vulnerable in our area.
A spokesperson for Swindon Borough Council
Levels of performance have been high with accuracy and productivity comparable to our own staff. We have improved our performance – the contribution being the flexibility of resource creating consistency in work outstanding and processing times. The flexible resource has meant that we have been able to make savings through not replacing staff who have left – we have been able to use the resources available in a more intelligent way. This also offers us protection going forward as UC reduces our HB caseload. Savings have been excess of £100,000 over the last 3 years.
Matt Kelly
Benefits Team Leader, Dacorum Borough Council
The combination of solution and data cleansing tools from Liberata has massively impacted the processing of Universal Credit claims here at South Ayrshire Council. We have reduced all manual intervention down to just 18% on all claims meaning that staff can focus upon more complex or urgent cases. We are hoping to further increase automation levels to deliver further efficiencies. This has also enabled our teams to more easily handle the workload increase associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Jamie Falconer
Team Supervisor (Benefit Services), South Ayrshire Council
The service was easy to manage and has helped the Council identify and remove a significant percentage of single person discounts and it has been interesting to see that the results have been delivered from across all Council Tax bands. We will certainly look to run another SPD review within two years.
Richard Skilbeck
St Albans Council
Following a tendering process, two suppliers were engaged by the Council to maximise its business rates income. The RV Finder service from Liberata has really helped us ensure that our data is as accurate as possible and, when the VOA has processed the outstanding cases, I fully expect to see more than £1,000,000 of additional RV. The “risk and reward” model works well and the Council only has to pay for their success and the service is something that we will use on a regular basis.
Steve King
Revenues & Benefits Team Leader, Leicester City Council
Our 2022 Empty Homes Review was another seamless process of working in partnership with a well-established, efficient and trust worthy supplier. The review not only generates income for the Council but also ensures our Council Tax records are updated with accurate and timely information.
Gary Muskett
Assistant Director: Revenues & Benefits
I also wanted to say that your website is by far the best Council website I've ever encountered. It's easy to navigate and incredibly clear, so thank you.
Swindon Citizen
Since entering the strategic partnership with Liberata in 2005, we have not only seen year-on-year improvements in revenue collection rates, but improved levels of service delivered to benefit claimants.
Clive Palfreyman
Director – Finance and Corporate Services
We have a strong partnership with Liberata and it is helping us to deliver and maintain services during challenging times.
Lukman Patel
COO Burnley Council
One of the Council’s key priorities is to be an effective Council, efficient and responsive to the needs of our residents and businesses. Liberata is the ideal delivery partner to help us achieve this aim, whilst ensuring we can drive down processing times and improve the service for our customers. Council tax and business rates collection will improve, ensuring that we have the funds to deliver the vital services that have a positive impact on residents’ lives. We look forward to working closely in partnership with Liberata to help achieve our aims.
Rebecca Keene
Assistant Director Resources, Broxbourne Borough Council
As a Council we are focused on ensuring that the services delivered are both sustainable and of the highest quality. We are delighted to be working with Liberata to help deliver these services on behalf of our residents and businesses. Liberata stood out with its ability to drive transformational change and improve customer access and digital services.
Richard Baker
Executive Director (Finance and Transformation), Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council
Following a formal process and tender notice, Liberata stood out with its ability to transform our services and improve customer access and digital services. Liberata has demonstrated it can achieve high collection rates across business rates and council tax services and benefits by improving processing times. We look forward to working with Liberata to help transform these services for our residents and ensuring we are providing the appropriate levels of support to the most vulnerable in our area.
A spokesperson for Swindon Borough Council
Levels of performance have been high with accuracy and productivity comparable to our own staff. We have improved our performance – the contribution being the flexibility of resource creating consistency in work outstanding and processing times. The flexible resource has meant that we have been able to make savings through not replacing staff who have left – we have been able to use the resources available in a more intelligent way. This also offers us protection going forward as UC reduces our HB caseload. Savings have been excess of £100,000 over the last 3 years.
Matt Kelly
Benefits Team Leader, Dacorum Borough Council